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Published On: 07/21/2023


The Ezulwini Municipality during their Inaugural meeting, held on 20 July 2023 at the Civic Office, took the liberty to swear in their Councillors, 80% of the members are returning councillors and 20 % are new members.  The swearing-in was led by Mdladla and Associates, The 8 sworn in Councillors were;

  1. Mayor – Bongile Mbingo.
  2. Vice Chairperson – Comfort Hlophe.
  3. Finance Committee Chairperson – Sandile Dlamini.
  4. Finance Committee Member – Darron Raw
  5. Finance Committee Member – Dr Edmund Mazibuko.
  6. Member – Refileo Mamogobo
  7. Member – Zodwa Dlamini
  8. Member - Jabulani Mathosi

The Mayor serves for a second term, in her remarks she highlighted that as the board, their main focus is to deliver service to the people of Ezulwini, and since Ezulwini has been dubbed the Sandton” of Eswatini, and it was their mandate to upload and make Ezulwini a Town that could be visited more.  Ezulwini Board has been known for their diligence and trashing out issues to the best of their abilities and together with the team they are a mighty force that shall take Ezulwini to even greater heights. The Council, as they carry out their duties, they are guided by Standing orders and the Urban Government Act.