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Published On: 12/07/2023


16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE; Ezulwini Municipality joins the country in the fight against gender-based violence, which is violence perpetuated against women, men, and children in both families and communities. Gender-based violence is the most notable form of human rights violation that is deeply rooted in gender inequality. It takes many forms, including sexual and physical violence, child marriages, threats, as well as manipulations, thus inflicting mental and life-long repercussions on survivors and in most cases resulting in death. This year’s theme of the campaign is Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls.” Through its Social Services and Local Economic Development programs, the Municipality continues to direct resources towards creating a haven for children to go to daily and empowering women to enable them to generate their income.




“Eswatini is in crisis when it comes to gender-based violence and it affects not only physical, but also mental health. What is more worrying is that this usually happens in the presence of children, thus leading to a very unstable and angry society. We appeal to all men to come together in the fight against violence against women. Educate and engage communities in the fight against GBV. National and local leaders must take the lead in building a social consensus that women’s rights and their protection are essential to sustainable human development,

On the night of 28 October 2023, Ezulwini Ward 4 was faced with a tragic incident of gender-based violence, where a man shot his girlfriend and 4 others, with one survivor. We are looking up to the country's justice system to take a firm stance in this matter and that this man must not be given bail.”- Ezulwini Deputy Mayor, Councillor Comfort Hlophe